Unser ehemaliger Fremdsprachenassistent dankt der Schule für die Hilfe bei seiner Abschlussarbeit. Er führte eine Befragung in unserer Schule und anderen zum Fremdsprachenerwerb durch.  Dazu kam er extra nach Storkow. Er hatte damit großen Erfolg und darf nun darüber Artikel schreiben und Vorträge in Helsinki und Wien halten. Unsere Schule findet natürlich dabei Erwähnung.


A big dissertation thank you


"Ian Moore"




Dear all,

You may remember back in June you took part in a study regarding your attitudes towards ELF. A big thank you for this, your time was very much appreciated. I am pleased to say the dissertation passed and I am now studying a PhD at Durham University in the North-East of England. Perhaps more exciting is the fact that I will be taking this research ‘on the road’ and have been asked to present my research at a number of conferences. As such I will be presenting my research at Helsinki University in June and Vienna University in September. I am also hoping to make a journal article out of it. I have attached the article here rather than making you read through 20,000 words of a dissertation but if you would prefer the dissertation I can now send that on too. 

Once again, thank you so much for your time and your co-operation in this study and I am sorry I haven’t been able to get back to you sooner - 9 months has felt like a long time and I miss Germany very very much! 

Many thanks




Ian Moore

PhD Candidate in Education

School of Education | St Mary’s College | DH1 3LR

Durham University